Akaa-Volley had to travel back to home from Kyyjärvi (an interesting name for the municipality: kyy is viper in English and järvi is lake) with one point only. Kyky-Betset was more meticulous at the end of the match and took two points with the win of 3 - 2 (22-25,18-25,25-22,27-25,15-12).
Maybe it is a bit risky to say that Kyky-Betset was better because of one player, the opposite Renars-Pauls Jansons. He was all too efficient to Akaa-Volleys block and defence and made figures 35/+22. He got totally 55 passes while the next Kyyjärvi-player tried 22 times. Ok, one man cannot play alone. Thus we can applaud to the whole team.
You can find the full statistics of the match in Competition Site by Data Project. (pisteet=points, syöttö=serve, vastaanotto=reception, hyökkäys=attack and torj=block)
Next match is again in our home hall Akaa Areena. On Saturday the 18th Nov we will have TUTO Volley from Turku visiting us.
